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Acupuncture for Cognition

The brain consumes a lot of energy and oxygen relative to most other tissues in the body.

After a concussion, inflammation can occur in the brain along with micro-shearing at different sites, resulting in cognitive changes.

Studies of aging brains have revealed certain characteristics: brain volume size can be reduced, increased amounts of inflammation, and reduced blood flow to certain areas of the brain.  Overall this can lead to cognitive changes experienced by some individuals.

Why try Acupuncture for cognition-related issues?

One of the overarching premises of Acupuncture is to promote blood flow to restore health. 

Acupuncture needles inserted over the scalp, and at different acupuncture points located on the body, can stimulate blood flow to the brain with the aim of assisting patients in managing their cognitive symptoms. Acupuncture is a safe technique with minimal side effects.

Memory and cognitive challenges are conditions that have a long treatment history in Chinese Medicine. Chinese Medicine has a strong emphasis on health preservation and holistic health.

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